The Postman May 2nd 2007
A postman was working his last day on the job after 40 years delivering the post to the same neighborhood through all kinds of weather year in year out.
When he arrived at the first house on his route the couple were there to greet him and presented him with a lovely 'thank you' card and a $100 bill inside.
At the next house they presented him with an expensive bottle of Champagne and some expensive cigars.
At the third house they gave him an expensive 20 year old bottle of Scotch Whiskey.
At the fourth house he was greeted by a stunning blond in her lingerie. She took him by the hand and brought him upstairs and made mad passionate love to him like he had never experienced before.
When they were finished she made him a wonderful breakfast with all the trimmings and then she poured him a hot cup of freshly made coffee. As he drank the coffee he noticed a $10 bill sitting under his coffee cup. "Whats this for" he asked.
"Well" said the blond, "last night I told my husband that today would be your last day delivering our post after 40 years, and I thought that we should do something special for you, and I asked him what should I do.
My husband said "F*ck him".........."Give him ten dollars"....... but the breakfast was my idea.